Should You Hire a Business Analyst?

hire a business analyst

Should You Hire a Business Analyst?

If you are a business owner, your company must be a “rolling stone that gathers no moss.” It must move forward with the changing technology and scale and grow as naturally and successfully as possible. 

However, suppose your business does not invest in this forward momentum and stops innovating or supporting growth in new technology. In that case, you may be left behind with an old or outdated product and, frankly, a lot of moss.

To ensure that your company is not a moss gatherer, consider hiring a business analyst (BA). 

A business analyst is a professional who analyzes business processes, identifies any specific areas for improvement, and recommends solutions to meet organizational objectives.  

They are an incredible addition to any company and act as a bridge between business stakeholders and the technical team. Hiring an experienced BA can be part of the solution that moves your company forward, transforming it into that rolling stone and ensuring that there is no way it can gather any moss.

Understanding the Role of a Business Analyst

A BA’s role is multifaceted and pivotal in driving the success of projects within an organization. A business analyst builds upon and grows the relationship between business stakeholders, such as the business managers and executives, and the development or technical teams. 

The primary goal of a BA is to align business needs with technology solutions to drive efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall productivity.

There isn’t just one single project a BA can work on, and a well-rounded BA can be highly beneficial working on a variety of projects, including:

  • system implementations
  • risk analysis
  • process improvements
  • change management
  • requirement building
  • data analysis
  • custom software development
  • continuous improvement  

The versatility of a BA to adapt to new projects and expectations within an organization provides a crucial link to growth. As businesses evolve and innovate, a business analyst’s role remains essential in translating complex business dynamics into actionable strategies to propel businesses forward.

What Qualities Should You Look for When You Hire a Business Analyst?

Effective business analysts must possess a wide-ranging skill set and unique qualities. The ability to balance strong communication skills with technical aptitude is a distinctive trait that not everyone can master. Although there are classes and workshops available to enhance the proficiency of BA consultants or data consultants, exceptional soft skills are also indispensable for becoming a top-notch business analyst.

If you are hiring a business analyst or even a business consultant for your next project, make sure they demonstrate the following:

  • Analytical skills
  • Communication skills
  • Problem-solving abilities
  • Technical proficiency
  • Adaptability

Analytical Skills: Business analysts must analyze complex data, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions. The first step of their process is to dig into data and understand the big picture. If they cannot connect the dots with the data and provide you with a comprehensive review, consider looking for an alternate BA for your project. 

Communication Skills: BAs must have solid communication skills. These skills are essential to gathering requirements, conducting workshops, and effectively conveying information between stakeholders and technical teams. A key characteristic of an exceptional business analyst is the ability to speak technical jargon and communicate challenging concepts to stakeholders. 

Problem-Solving Abilities: You are bringing in a BA to help you solve problems – so this characteristic should rank high on the skills lists. A proficient business analyst must identify business problems, find root causes, and propose innovative solutions. 

Technical Proficiency: While not all business analysts need to be experts in coding, they must understand basic Devops, technology, and software processes. BAs work directly with developers, so they must be adept at deciphering developmental barriers and proposing solutions to problems. 

Adaptability: A successful BA can adapt to any change within the business environment. Staying calm under pressure and managing expectations when requirements or scope changes show a BA’s skill in navigating dynamic situations while also ensuring project success.

Does Your Company Need a Business Analyst?

Now that you understand the role of a BA and what qualities they will bring to the table, let’s connect the dots and explore whether your business would benefit from having one. 

A successful BA is more than another person on the team to help with time management. They can continue to move your company forward and assist with any of the below initiatives.

Works On Complex Projects

If you are working on upcoming complex projects, such as system implementations or process reengineering, bringing in a BA can ensure your project requirement is thoroughly gathered, analyzed, and translated into a successful solution.

Assists With Process Improvement

If you see gaps in areas of your business and want to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and optimize workflows, a BA can identify any bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for improvement.

Provides Data-Driven Decision-Making

If your organization relies heavily on data for decision-making, a business analyst is the perfect addition to your team, with the skills to analyze and interpret data, providing valuable insights that drive strategic planning.

Works to Manage Change

Businesses that undergo significant change often find that a BA can help facilitate the transition, mitigate resistance, and ensure all stakeholders are on board.

Collaborates with IT Team

Adding new technology requires excellent communication between stakeholders and the development team. A professional business analyst is a vital intermediary between tech and non-tech employees, bridging the gap and collaborating between the two groups.

Project Success

If your business already has a project in the pipeline but aims to increase a project’s success rates, a BA’s involvement can significantly contribute to project completion within scope, budget, and timeline.

Hire a Rōnin Business Analyst For Your Next Project 

If you want to be a rock that gathers no moss–consider hiring a Rōnin Business analyst consult for your next project. Our BAs will be crucial in transforming your business needs into actionable solutions.

Coming to you with a diverse skill set and the ability to bridge the gap between business and technology, BAs are instrumental in driving organizational success. Contact us today to learn more about our Rōnins and how they can step into your organization and transform it from the inside out. 

Julie Simpson is the Marketing Manager at Rōnin Consulting. Before joining the team, her software development knowledge was practically non-existent. However, after countless internal meetings, soaking up information, and engaging in endless Teams chats with the Rōnin crew, Julie has transformed into a bona fide technology geek. Nowadays, she dreams about AI, laughs at dev jokes, and frequently messages the team with warnings about the eventual rise of Skynet.