Talk With A Rōnin: Infor Consulting

Infor consultants

Infor specializes in enterprise software applications by providing a wide range of industry-specific applications and suites to help organizations manage various aspects of their business.

Infor’s software can often be tailored to specific industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, retail, hospitality, and others. It was designed to be an all-in-one solution used to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and make informed decisions, but it requires a high level of proficiency to implement properly.

Often, companies need additional resources beyond those they may have in-house to implement Infor customizations and make it fully functional for their needs. Here is where Rōnin comes in.

Rōnin consultants are highly skilled developers across various technologies, including… you guessed it, Infor. Our team has helped some of the nation’s largest companies implement highly customized Infor solutions for their enterprise.

Our knowledge is such that we could confidently go into any situation and provide excellent solutions.

Derek Adams

Senior Software Engineer and Infor Consultant
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How do you approach customizations of Infor applications?

With the Infor platform, you have a pre-built collection of tools. I look at the available tools for all customizations and weigh the best options for accomplishing the desired outcome. There is generally more than one approach, but before I start working, I learn the process and tools before digging in.

What part of Infor have clients struggled with?

The Infor platform can be overwhelming because it has so many components. It takes time and dedication to learn how each component can be utilized to solve a specific problem and even more time to combine multiple components to achieve your goal.

Why would you recommend Rōnin as an Infor consultancy?

We are developers first, who learned the Infor platform by doing. We’re not going to provide clients with people who are simply good with business processes; we’re providing true software engineers who have learned the Infor platform by putting in the work.

David Cooper

Technical Account Manager and Infor Consultant
Infor consulting

How do you approach customizations of Infor applications? 

After meeting with the business to determine the best solution for them, I begin by scoping and listing all changes that must be made within the system. I then coordinate with other Infor developers to avoid conflicts during development and production release. Our process is to create the changes in a development instance of the Infor Cloud and then release pipelines that move those changes to different test environments. Once approved within these testing environments, the changes are moved into production and ready for use.  

What part of Infor have clients struggled with? 

One of the most significant challenges I encounter is helping businesses understand how changes can be implemented. There is not just one place or way to implement change within Infor; changes can happen in multiple locations. Infor changes can be made within configurations in applications, document delivery between Infor apps or other systems, flows of data, approval flows, API flows, and many other ways. For clients, I found that we must present solutions that solve the problem, perform well for large volumes of data, and can be easily maintained.    

Why would you recommend Rōnin as an Infor consultancy? 

Ronin uses its “hive mind mentality” to a high degree with Infor’s work. The Infor system’s complexity and huge range of features make it imperative that our team of Infor consultants work together closely and draw on one another’s knowledge to solve issues.

Elise Franchi

Software Engineer and Infor Consultant
Infor consulting

How do you approach customizations of Infor applications?

There are many ways to solve a business problem within the Infor system. So, it’s important to analyze the various options and apply the available tools (e.g., API flows, custom document processing, scripting) to deliver the most scalable, sound, and elegant solution possible.

What part of Infor have clients struggled with?

The sheer number of ways you can accomplish one goal in Infor is amazing to me, but it can also be overwhelming. Many clients struggle with the right Infor solution, and I’ve found our team’s knowledge, experience, and expertise allow us to present the best path forward.

Can you provide an example and its solution?

One of our projects involved creating a new type of data flow involving a dozen or so API calls. This API flow did not initially show us much insight into each point of the process and was extremely difficult to troubleshoot and debug. Our solution added custom responses and messaging into the different branches of the flow to track the path the data traveled. This solution was like adding windows to a dark room—the difference was noticeable, and we reached development completion faster with those insights.

Why would you recommend Rōnin as an Infor consultancy? 

The Ronin team is pioneering Infor development efforts that are entirely new territory for our client, and with each new project, our collective experience grows. Our knowledge is such that I know we could confidently go into any situation and provide excellent solutions, whether it’s custom tools in GHR or complex data flows and integrations utilizing ION; I genuinely don’t think there’s anything we can’t do.

Learn more about our Infor services

Contact us to learn more about our Infor consulting services and how our team of experienced software engineers at Rōnin can help your business navigate the complexities of Infor’s enterprise software applications.

Whether you require integrations, customizations, or optimizations, we provide scalable, sound, and elegant solutions.

Julie Simpson is the Marketing Manager at Rōnin Consulting. Before joining the team, her software development knowledge was practically non-existent. However, after countless internal meetings, soaking up information, and engaging in endless Teams chats with the Rōnin crew, Julie has transformed into a bona fide technology geek. Nowadays, she dreams about AI, laughs at dev jokes, and frequently messages the team with warnings about the eventual rise of Skynet.